Il Piccolo trattato di tecnica pittorica di Giorgio de Chirico

Salvatore Vacanti
Teoria e prassi del "ritorno al mestiere" (1919-1928)
Nardini Editore, Florence 2014

Salvatore Vacanti’s in-depth study regards the theoretical and procedural aspects surrounding de Chirico’s “return to craft” during the years 1919-1928.

The volume includes a presentation by Paolo Picozza, President, Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, and a foreword by Simona Rinaldi, Associate professor of Museology, Art Criticism and Restoration, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo.

Nardini Editore, Florence 2014
Language: Italian
Pages: 208
ISBN: 978-88-40442-29-7
Cover: G. de Chirico, Self-portrait, 1920, private collection (detail)